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Accordingly, no element of this website is part of any offer to issue or solicitation to subscribe to or buy shares, fund units or other investments.

Investment funds, product information

The shares issued for the green benefit Global Impact fund may not be offered or sold in jurisdictions to purchase, in which such offer or sale is permitted. The units in this fund may not be sold or distributed within the United States or for the account of US citizens or resident of the United States US persons available for purchase at this . The documents and information may not be distributed in the United States. The distribution and publication of documents and information as well as the offering or sale of units may be subject to restrictions in other jurisdictions . Historical data is no guarantee of future returns . The green benefit AG does not guarantee that market forecasts , implied or income -called target price . Any change in the assumptions on which the documents are based , may have a material impact on the targeted income . Income from investments is subject to fluctuations . A decision about a purchase you should take after submission of the complete documentation and risk disclaimer and after seeking legal, tax or investment advice . All data and estimates are indicative and may change at any time . All statements without guarantee. The green benefit AG does not accept any liability for loss or damage of any kind resulting from access to its website or its links . Such information is subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany . This website does not form the basis for a contract to provide investment advice or purchase of fund shares . Contracts for the purchase of fund shares to which reference is made in this website may be made only on the basis and under the terms of the applicable prospectuses and other offering documents relating to the particular investment . The green benefit AG recommends that investors prospectuses and other offering documents should be read carefully before making their investment decision since the documents provide information about the investment objective of each Fund and of the respective risks of the investment product . Investors are also strongly recommended to a financial adviser. If you should have any questions regarding any information on this website , please contact us by phone +49 911 217100 , by fax to +49 911 2171010 , by e-mail to or drag a professional financial adviser.