Win-Win Situation
With our investments we aim for a positive impact for all parties involved. After all every investment has an impact, the question is whether positive or negative. Through our investments, the positive impact on people and the environment is our top priority, whereby economic benefits are generated at the same time.
Our Fund
Our main product is our green benefit Global Impact Fund.
(Until 01.01. 2020 the name was green benefit Nachhaltigkeit Plus)
This fund invests according to social, ecological and economic criteria.
With an average equity allocation of over 95%, it is a pure equity fund with a high active share (100%) compared with the STOXX ESG Global Leader Index.
We systematically implement our strategy with “High Passion”:
High Conviction = 25 to 35 positions in the portfolio
Focus on bottom-up Stock-Picking
Focus on Growth stocks and Small-/Midcaps
Our engagement
Signatory of the PRI Principles
The PRI is the world’s leading representative for responsible investments.
It is committed to understanding the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors on investment and to helping its international network of investor signatories incorporate these factors into their investment and ownership decisions. The PRI acts in the long-term interests of its signatories, the financial markets and economies in which they operate, and ultimately the environment and society as a whole.
The PRI is completely independent. It encourages investors to make responsible investments to increase returns and manage risk more efficiently, but does not act in its own interest; it works with global policymakers but is not affiliated with any government; it is supported by, but not part of, the United Nations.
<p>The Principles were developed by investors for investors. By implementing them, signatories contribute to the development of a more sustainable global financial system. They have attracted a global signatory base representing a majority of the professionally managed investments worldwide.
Principle 1
We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
Principle 2
We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
Principle 3
We will seek appropriate disclosure of ESG issues by the companies in which we invest.
Principle 4
We will promote the acceptance and implementation of the principles in the investment industry.
Principle 5
We will work together to improve our effectiveness in implementing the principles.
Principle 6
We will report on our activities and progress in implementing the principles.
“An economically efficient, sustainable global financial system is a necessity for long-term value creation. Such a system will reward long-term, responsible investment and benefit the environment and society as a whole.”
The PRI will work to promote this sustainable global financial system by encouraging the adoption of the principles and cooperation in their implementation; by promoting good governance, integrity and accountability; and by addressing obstacles to a sustainable financial system that lie in market practices, structures and regulation.
Signatory of the PSI (Tobacco-Free Finance Signatories and Supporters)
The UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance, presented at the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, provide the insurance industry with a global framework for addressing environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities.
The purpose of the PSI initiative is to better understand, prevent and reduce environmental, social and governance risks and to better exploit opportunities for high-quality and reliable risk protection.
Principle 1
We will integrate environmental, social and governance issues relevant to our business into our decision-making.
Principle 2
We will work with our customers and business partners to raise awareness of environmental, social and governance issues, manage risk and develop solutions.
Principle 3
We will work with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote broad-based community action on environmental, social and governance issues.
Principle 4
We will demonstrate accountability and transparency by regularly publishing our progress in implementing the principles.
Signatory of the Transparency Code
The European Transparency Code applies to sustainability funds licensed for sale in Europe and covers numerous asset classes, such as equities and bonds.
All information about the European Transparency Code for Sustainability Funds can be found at and for Germany, Austria and Switzerland at The Code is complemented by a companion document that assists fund managers in completing the Transparency Code. The current version of the Code was approved by the Eurosif Board of Directors on February 19, 2018.
The signatories of the Transparency Code commit to the following principles:
- The order and exact wording of the questions should be followed.
- Answers should be informative and clearly formulated. Generally, the required information (instruments and methods) should be described in as much detail as possible.
- Funds should provide data in the currency they use for other reporting purposes.
- Reasons preventing the provision of information must be explained. Signatories should systematically outline if and by when they hope to answer the questions.
- Responses must be updated at least annually and bear the date of the last update.
- The completed Transparency Code and its answers must be easily accessible on the website of the fund, the fund company or the fund manager. In any case, signatories must indicate where the information required by the Code can be found.
- The signatories are responsible for the answers and should also make this clear