All of the following awards and ratings were given to our fund green benefit Global Impact.

United Nations UNCTAD Logo
UN Sustainable Fund Awards 2023

With the award from the United Nations (UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), our fund has now attracted international attention.

We were among the 4 winners from around 4000 funds worldwide that have dedicated themselves to the topic of SDGs in investment funds.

Initially, 22 funds were nominated for the awards according to strict criteria, of which 4 (including us) were finally selected and received the award at the Investment Forum 2023 in Abu Dhabi. The winners will be mentioned on the homepage of the Investment Forum: Link

Further information on the criteria

FNG Siegel 2024 - 2 Sterne
FNG Label 2023We have received the FNG seal for 2024 with 2 stars for our green benefit Global Impact Fund. This corresponds to an improvement of one star per year since we have been rated by FNG.

“The FNG Sustainable Investment Fund Label was developed by the FNG together with financial experts and stakeholders from civil society in a three-year exchange.”
It “is the SRI quality standard in the German-speaking financial market.”

FNG criteria

Fund Awards 2021-2024
Fund Award 2021-2024

With the €uro-Fund Awards, the “Finanzen Verlag” regularly honors the best funds of the past one, three, five, ten and 20 years.
Our fund received the Fund Award from €uro for the fourth time in a row in the following categories:

2021: 1st place (1, 3, 5 years)
2022: 1st place (3, 5 years)
2023: 1st place (3 years), 2nd place (5 years)
2024: 2nd place (5 years)

More info

ECOreporter Siegel
ECOreporter 2023

The green benefit Global Impact Fund receives a sustainability rating of 2.1 in the ECOfondstest. This puts it among the most sustainable funds reviewed by ECOreporter to date. As it can convince in all sustainability aspects, it has been awarded the ECOreporter sustainability seal.

Category: Equity funds

To the detailed test (Only German)

ESG Fund Award 2023
ESG Fund Award 2023

The new Börsianer Grün – ESG Fund Award honors the best sustainable investment funds according to the criteria “Environmental”, “Social”, “Governance” (ESG) and “Performance” in the DACH region.

Among 1917 funds, from 190 asset managers, our fund was the only fund to achieve an overall score of 100 out of 100 points (100 points in the sustainability category, 100 points in the performance category).(List of winners)

Category: Equity funds, ESG funds

More info

Deutscher Fondspreis 2022
German Fund Award 2022

Our green benefit Global Impact Fund was awarded the German Fund Award in 2022.

Category: Sustainable Investments

To the full article

Swiss Sustainable Fund Awards 2022
Swiss Sustainable Fund Award 2022

Since June 2022, our fund has been the winner of the Swiss Sustainable Funds Award 2022 which honors the best seven sustainable investment funds in Switzerland.

Category: Equity Thematic

To the full article

EDA MountainView Rating April 2024

The Ethically Dynamic Allocation (“EDA”) sustainability metric, for which Mountain-View holds a patent, indicates the percentage of a fund’s compliance with the standard set of key ethical, social and environmental criteria. A maximum of 100 points / percent can be achieved. Thus, the higher the EDA score, the more comprehensively the fund meets the sustainability standards.

The green benefit Global Impact fund achieved a score of 92 out of 100 points.

EDA criteria

Österreichischer Fondspreis
Austrian Fund Award 2022

Our green benefit Global Impact Fund was awarded the Austrian Fund Award in 2022.

Category: Sustainable Investments

To the full article

Sustainable Performance Award - 1. Platz
Sustainable Performance Award 2022

ProVita GmbH, Germany’s sustainable financial services provider, has presented the Sustainable Performance Award® annually since 2021. With an extensive listing from over 964 ESG funds, this initiative is also intended to be a gauge and guide for the best of the best sustainable funds in the industry.

green benefit AG won the first place in its category.

Category: Equity funds, World, 5 years, SRI 5

More info

Citywire Rating A
Citywire A-Rating

Manfred Wiegel received an A rating from Citywire for the advisory of the green benefit Global Impact Fund.
The rating takes into account a three-year track record and is updated every month.
Less than 25% receive a rating at all, as they do not beat the benchmark over 3 years.

Link to the profile of Manfred Wiegel: Link

Citywire FAQs

Eco-Rating A - Euro
€uro Eco Rating

In the €uro ECO rating, the evaluation of a fund portfolio is based on ten (equities + corporate bonds) environmental, social and climate protection criteria. Funds receive more points on a staggered basis if they focus on securities that belong to the renewable energy sector, or are classified as particularly environmentally oriented, or if CO2 emissions are low.
The full portfolios of investment funds and ETFs are analyzed every three months. The rating is published in the following magazines: (€uro, Börse Online, Tiam).

Our fund consistently achieved an eco rating of A.

Link to the criteria