Facts about the fund

Fund profile

The objective of the investment policy of the green benefit Global Impact Fund is to achieve the highest possible above-average growth in the value of its investments by investing in international capital markets. In selecting investments, ecological, social and ethical aspects are taken into account. The fund follows a medium to long-term investment approach.

Historical performance of the green benefit Global Impact Fund *

*The values and charts shown here represent the values of the P-tranche after costs according to the BVI method Historical Performance is not a reliable indicator for future performance. The information considers all costs according to the BVI method.

Current sector allocation

Country allocation

Function Replace in text

Monthly performance *

*The values and charts shown here represent the values of the P-tranche after costs according to the BVI method Historical Performance is not a reliable indicator for future performance. The information considers all costs according to the BVI method.

Last updated:

Archive Management commentary (Only in German)All management commentaries since 2020 at a glanceManagement commentary
Fondsadvisor greenbenefit
The fund advisor of green benefit AGSven Lehmann (left), Manfred Wiegel (right)


OVERVIEW RATINGS / AWARDSWe are regularly reviewed and rated by renowned institutions.
An overview of our ratings and awards for the fund can be found via the following link including descriptions of methodology and category.
Overview of our ratings

Investment process

Positive criteria

Our investment universe basically consists of the following 10 different sectors:

Hydrogen / fuel cells

renewable energies (solar, wind)

electric mobility / batteries

energy efficiency

drinking water treatment

organic food

health / education

sustainable agriculture / forestry

environmentally friendly products

green building / smart cities

Wasserstoff tanken

Negative criteria / exclusion criteria


agricultural genetic engineering

nuclear energy


fossil fuels


genetic engineering

speculation with food

harmful behaviour to the environment





tobacco products

armor, cluster bombs

child labour

human rights

animal experiments


Non-ratification of the Kyoto Protocol

Labour Rights

child labour

human rights

death penalty

unfree states according to Freedom House

non-proliferation treaty violations


We invest in pure-play companies


What does Pure-Play mean?

The Pure Play approach means that sustainable investments focus on investing in companies that are only active in a specific sector, such as hydrogen or solar. This ensures that conglomerates, which often have a certain – albeit small – percentage in nuclear energy or similar sectors that we exclude, cannot find their way into our portfolio. It is therefore purer (pure) and easier to assess sustainability criteria.

Examples of pure players in our portfolio


What we do not use is the so-called best-in-class approach:

Best-in-class approach

The best-in-class approach describes a frequently used concept for selecting companies. The best sustainable companies are selected from all industries. In many cases, however, this approach does not go far enough, as the investor does not want the most sustainable oil shares, for example, but no oil shares at all.

Global equity fund

Medium to long-term holding period

Small- / Midcaps

Growth approach

Bottom-up stock picking

Concentrated portfolio with 25-35 companies

Currency hedging of major positions

Tranches / Downloads

The green benefit Global Impact Fund is issued in two different tranches. The P tranche is possible from a minimum investment of €50 and savings plan eligible from 0€, whereas the I tranche is possible from a minimum investment of €50,000.

Performance Fee

15% of the unit value increase per financial quarter with All-Time High-Water Mark

Issue surcharge

up to 5%



green benefit Global Impact Fund - P


LU1136260384 / A12EXH

Management fee

up to 1.75%

Minimum investment




green benefit Global Impact Fund - I


LU1136261358 / A12EXJ

Management fee

up to 0.95%

Minimum investment


Sales documents

All compulsory publications of the fund (including the sales prospectus, the annual report and the key information sheet) can be found on the Hansainvest download page. The following button will take you to the download page.